Malware Analysis - RedLine Stealer May 3, 2022 RedLine Stealer is a low-cost password stealer sold on underground forums. It steals passwords, credit card information and other sensitive data and sends it to a remote location. ...
Tutorial - Setup Remote Kernel Debugging Oct 4, 2021 Setup Remote Kernel Debugging for Kernel Driver development ...
Tutorial - Unpack Self Injection Packer Apr 15, 2021 Malware authors try to hide themselves from antivirus and make analysis harder for analysist. One technique they use is call packing, it means to make the code more obfuscated and unreable. In this post, we'll look at one specific kind of unpacking technique that you can use to finally start the analysis of the real payload. This technique is call Self-Injection. ...
Suppression des application préinstallées sous Windows 10 Oct 22, 2020 Méthode que j'ai utilisé pour supprimer les applications pré-installées sous Windows 10. Malheureusement, quelques applications parviennent à survivre à la méthode (Hello Cortana). ...
WSL Oct 3, 2020 Windows Subsystem for Linux Review ...